Let's carry on our preparations to build our model.
We know the tools we need, we are aware of how to read the manual and we know that we need to do a good research to achieve our goal of a perfect model.
The first step to do so might sound crazy to you but I can assure that works. On opening your box, you are gone find the plastic sprues were the parts are attached. Those sprues are injected into moulds, and for them to come out easily from the moulds, they need to be sprayed with some kind of release agent. This agent has a lot of greases that doesn't let the plastic get stuck in the mould. So basically what is going to happen is that even though the sprues go through some type of washing to remove the release agent, is more than certain that some of it will still be stuck into it. So here we go, we need a bowl with warm water and dishwasher detergent. Dip the sprues into it, scrub it with a toothbrush and once finished let it dry thoroughly.
With the sprues dry, it's time to get the tools out to start separating the parts from the sprues.

First in line is the cutter, and the right way to do this is to cut a little bit into the sprue, as in the picture. This will allow you to have some extra plastic on the part, then using the knife or a file, remove the rest of the plastic.

This process will allow you to have more control so that you don't end with some plastic missing from the part that you are preparing. If you cut to close to the part instead of leaving some sprue on you can end up with a "hole" that later you will have to used loads of filler to fill it.

And this is it if you did everything as you should you will end up with a very smooth part that doesn't need any more work done to it.
This comes to prove you that the preparation of the parts is very important to achieve a great result with minimum effort.
Hope you guys are finding this useful.
See you all soon.