Hi guys,
I'm back again. After a brief introduction the the start on the art of building model kits, we are now moving on to the next steps, once you decided what you want to do, is time to start preparing your bench for the construction of your future model, for that you will need some key elements such as a good light, some essential tools and some consumables.
As for the light, I can advise this lamp (https://www.shesto.co.uk/lighting-magnification-1/lamps/lightcraft-triple-tube-professional-task-lamp/) as this is a daylight lamp and will give a great visibility for your build. You can always opt for other different lights but I would advise you guys to always choose the daylight type.
I'm back again. After a brief introduction the the start on the art of building model kits, we are now moving on to the next steps, once you decided what you want to do, is time to start preparing your bench for the construction of your future model, for that you will need some key elements such as a good light, some essential tools and some consumables.
As for the light, I can advise this lamp (https://www.shesto.co.uk/lighting-magnification-1/lamps/lightcraft-triple-tube-professional-task-lamp/) as this is a daylight lamp and will give a great visibility for your build. You can always opt for other different lights but I would advise you guys to always choose the daylight type.
Now that we can see we need to focus on how we are going to build the model, and for that, you need some essential tools such as snippet pliers, tweezers sandpapers wet and dry and a knife. In order to obtain a great finish, you need a good preparation and that is why these tools are so important. On the picture I have placed the 2 types of pliers that you can get, the first one is a manicure one that you can buy in any shop that sells cosmetics or beauty products, the second one is a proper modelling one that you can get on any model shop for almost the same price as the first one and is a lot better.
So with the cutting sorted, we need something to hold the parts for placing them on to the model. For that we use tweezers.
On the picture on the left you can see the 5 types of tweezers that I use, from left to right we have the flat end(one) the spring tweezers(two) the curved thin(3) the straight thin(4) and another thin end which is narrowed on the end to fit in smaller places(5)
This is going to be your best friends during the construction as I said above to place the parts on the model to make a dry-fit or glue them. They are very useful as well if you need to paint some small part.
These are useful when you need to hold parts in place during the time that the glue takes to dry. They are as they old and make pressure ensuring that you get a tight bound for your parts.
You can find these ones in a Poundland shop if you leave in the UK if you live outside the UK, you probably can easily find them at a euro shop.
With this we have almost all our essentials covered, on the next step I will try to present you the remaining ones that we need and by step 4 we will be starting a construction where you can see all of this action and better understand their function.
See you all soon.